Monday, September 5, 2011

What am I doing on a blog?

Well, it is early Labor day Monday, and, believe it or not, this secretary (ahem, Administrative Assistant) is off to work for the day. At PBU, (Philadelphia Biblical University) this is a workday. I would be more upset, but actually, none of my fam is celebrating and most are out-of-town anyway. Plus, the trade-off for working today is a 2-day Fall Break, which happens to coincide with the weekend of the Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool Festival-yea!,

I loved last year's festival--I had never seen anything like it; acres and acres of YARN, notions, patterns, plus sheep and llamas and so much food. The weather was so lovely and the drive home was scenic, maybe just a little past the peak of leaf-peeping season, but still colorful. I don't want to leave my son, Neil, out though---I wonder if I could do a combination road trip to Cooperstown, for the Baseball Hall of Fame and the festival. Hmmm, if I take the kayaks, I can probably find one or two nice lakes to try out along the way. Well, there you have it---the daydream of the day!

I don't have any grand plan for this blog, but I don't really have to--of course, God knows the big plan, and I am just compelled to record my part in it. I know I enjoy reading other gals' thoughts and plans. Sometimes they are the catalysts for my own creative endeavors. I hope this blog encourages you as well.

So off we go, I appreciate your interaction and I am glad to be making a start here.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the yarn notions and such sound divine! What a neat festival ...I'll have to look that up, not that I live close by. But always neat to check out happening in other areas. If you attend or already did you should post a few pictures.

    I found your blog from my sweet "cyber-blog" friend Theresa.
    Have a blessed weekend!
